I have LOTS of good auctions for you boys who love to be humiliated, made to eat trash, love sniffing the bloody residue of a week long period from someone's stained period panties, and more. hahahahaha you SICKOs are going to be loving it, and suffering for Me very soon ;)
Auction 1:
My panties from the week ;) Stained, stinky, bloody. I overflow in them pretty often, unless I wear pads
night. Unfortunately, the first few days, I couldn't get out to the store D: so they are PRETTY stained already.
Click here to try and win them from Me.
The winner will receive My nasty panties, along with a cute little letter from Me + the chance to hop on cam for Me while sniffing at these messy things hehehehe
Auction 2:
I want you to strap on the feedsack you sick fuck, because you are going to start bidding on My week of PERIOD TRASH! There will be tampon applicators (plastic), toilet paper covered tampons, dirty and used pads, and MORE in the package the winner will be sent. Bid on My trash NOW you sick little shit, I will be laughing at you on cam while you eat, sniff, and bury yourself in My week-old stinky trash. I do have photos for you losers :P click here to try and win the bag of nasty.
I also have a special task for the good boys on here who want to make Me feel good while I am cramping, bleeding, shredding My uterus, etc. Follow this link, and buy Me the following:
-chocolates (I LOVE chocolates)
-a note book with a set of pens
-a stuffed animal (if no stuffed animals, replace with something else)
-1 or 2 psychology books
-1 surprise of your choosing
Send a screenshot of the order along with tracking numbers. This "care package" will be your way of sacrificing for My period, you will sacrifice your money for the gifts, your time in selecting the PERFECT combination of gifts and upon receipt of these gifts, you will receive a reward. I've one package on the way from wimpy, My blackmail toi.
I will also be posting a sock auction, in which Coventina and I BOTH wear the socks before you get sent the sweaty stinky combo hehehehehe so just keep waiting and checking in! She and I are going to be doing a LOT together.
Tribute Me! I fucking LOVE money.
Follow Me!
Buy Me Presents!!!!
Find My Sexy Videos here, and HERE.
You can send Me (+ Goddessa Coventina) gifts, money AND letters @
Princess Cica (/Goddessa Coventina)
PO 881
Rosharon, TX 77583
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