You're well aware of your place in My world, but the subs that are seeking to climb the ranks of My loser hierarchy will certainly find that covering any of these bills is an excellent way to get yourself noticed, and spoken to.
Each link opens to the NiteFlirt payment option. These are monthly bills. Later, I may add the option to pay for other bills that arise throughout the month, though these are excellent starters for now. The subbies that seek to serve Me will do themselves a great favor by taking on one of My few monthly bills. You do have the option to cover the payment through$princesscica and PervOutPay.

You know that you should be the one paying for My monthly rent. If you send payment through Square or POP, the total cost is $780. Beg Me to allow you to commit the ultimate sacrifice and cover My rent this month. My lease is up in February of 2017. You can additionally offer to pay for 1/2 or 1/3 of rent for the month.

My phone bill is a small, painless way to contribute to My life. To pay via Square, GW, or POP, the total cost is $70. The slave who covers My monthly phone bill will have access to My cell phone number for the month.

By paying for My utilities, you are making My life easier. I have three total utilities that I am paying. Take them off My hands and into yours. You can choose to cover one individual bill: My electric bill, which varies from $70 to $100; My water bill, which is usually $35; and My internet/cable bill, which is $100.
Cigarettes: $50 per week
Bud: $196 bi-weekly
Monthly Clothes Shopping: $500
Christmas Fund: $2,000 on Amazon.
Bud: $196 bi-weekly
Monthly Clothes Shopping: $500
Christmas Fund: $2,000 on Amazon.