(JUST last Sunday...)
pubbup: i do not want to up and leave by any means your Majesty
pubbup: i just need a break for a bit i want you to understand this please your Majesty
Princess: how long, do you think, pubbup?
Princess: I am not one boys keep waiting
pubbup: i know but do you understand your Majesty like i am in love and addicted to you and i want to session with youuu soooo bad for that week
Princess: ik
pubbup: maybe a cpl weeks
pubbup: i really need to get back on my feet and clear all my debt
pubbup: come to you with a clean slate
pubbup: full credit card and no debt
Princess: When you come back, I expect you to be able to clear your debt with Me almost immediately.
pubbup: yes your Majesty
pubbup: i want to be honest with you and really its not helping you if im scraping by
Princess: No it's not, so it's good to take initiative to fix your credit up and set things straight. just do a good (and fast ) job of it lol
pubbup: tahnk you your Majesty i dont want you to take this the wrong way whatsoever
pubbup: your my first TRUE Mistress
Princess: you're welcome. see? it's good when you come to Me with your problems, silly boy. And when you return I know you will do things properly.
pubbup: thank you your Majesty
pubbup: i dont want you to be mad
Princess: I'm not mad with you.
pubbup: ok so can we let loose all the holds right now your Majesty
Princess: yes, we can, lol
pubbup: and well check in at every cpl days your Majesty
Princess: Okay, sounds good to Me.
pubbup: what rules do you want for this
pubbup: or expectations
Princess: I will think of a few and tell you the next time we chat.
Princess: Though I do expect you to not tribute other Ladies
pubbup: of course
pubbup: i will stay solely to you if i had money o tribute it would be to you your Majesty
Sure seems to be a different tune in all of the CollarMe messages he is sending every other Woman he see's on there. Begging them for
sessions, hinting about interest in blackmail with some, while telling others that you feel completely scammed by Me. Well, you're in for a world of shit, as you STILL owe Me a total of $400. As that hasn't been paid to Me, and you are breaking the rules that WE set up together, then I will be following through on My end of the bargain starting tomorrow night, which will begin with an email to your father's girlfriend.

And a few videos of the slut. I think perhaps I will email this link to her as well.
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